Bydd gêm yfory yn brawf litmws cynnar ar gyfer egin gwyrdd tŵf Gwalia Unedig sydd ac yn rhoi prawf llym i dîm sydd wedi profi dwy fuddugoliaeth o’r ddwy gêm ddiwethaf.
Nid yn unig y bydd y gwrthwynebwyr eu hunain yn heriol, ond bydd gêm oddi cartref i fyny’r M4 ar ddiwedd tair gêm wythnos yn cynnig prawf sylweddol o wytnwch a ffocws i dîm Fern Burrage-Male. Ar ôl trechu Wimbledon a Bristol Rovers yr wythnos hon, bydd tîm cryf o Oxford United sydd wedi gorffen yn nhri uchaf y gynghrair am dair o’r pedair blynedd diwethaf yn cynnig cipolwg ar safonau amgylchedd dyrchafiad i Gwalia.
Mae perfformiadau cryf, bendant y tymor cynnar gan rai fel Ellie Sargent, Ellie Lake a Kylie Nolan wedi rhoi rhesymau i Gwalia fod yn frwdfrydig y tymor hwn, a chydag asgwrn cefn cryf gan rai fel Emily Poole a Cerys Jones gall Gwalia deimlo eu bod yn gallu teithio i bennau ucha’r gynghrair gydag agwedd gystadleuol.
Tomorrow’s fixture will prove to be an early litmus test for the green shoots of growth of the newly-branded Gwalia United and provide a stern test for a team that have proven two wins from the last two games.
Not only will the opposition themselves be challenging, but an away fixture up the M4 at the tail end of a three-game-week will offer a significant test of resilience and focus for Fern Burrage-Male’s team. Having defeated both Wimbledon and Bristol Rovers this week, a strong Oxford United team that have finished in the top three of the league for three of the last four years will offer a glimpse into the standards of a promotion-chasing environment for Gwalia United.
Strong performances and emphatic early-season form from the likes of Ellie Sargent, Ellie Lake and Kylie Nolan have given Gwalia reasons to be enthusiastic this season, and with a strong backbone from the likes of Emily Poole and Cerys Jones Gwalia can feel that they can travel to the higher ends of the league with a competitive attitude.